Battling security threats alone?

Safeguard your digital fortunes through our cutting-edge security testing!

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With 86.29% global smartphone adoption (5.252 billion users) and an expected 1.1562 billion more by 2028, ensuring compatibility across diverse platforms (mobiles, desktops, tablets) through compatibility testing is vital.


Why does

Security Testing


Security test failures can stem from various factors. Rapidly evolving threats, limited testing scope, misconfigured security controls, and lack of realistic scenarios can all contribute to vulnerabilities. Human errors in code or configuration, inadequate patch management, and insufficient security awareness also play a role. Complex system dependencies and lack of continuous monitoring further compound the issue. By implementing robust security measures, regular updates, and comprehensive testing strategies, organizations can mitigate these challenges and bolster their defense against evolving threats :

  • Evolving Threat Landscape: Rapidly evolving cyber threats can outpace testing efforts, leaving vulnerabilities undetected.
  • Complex System Configurations: Complex setups create blind spots, causing critical areas to remain untested, leading to potential vulnerabilities.
  • Inadequate Testing Scope: Incomplete testing scope may miss attack vectors, rendering the system susceptible to undetected threats.
  • Insufficient Test Data: Lack of realistic test data fails to simulate real-world scenarios, overlooking potential security gaps.
  • Limited Expertise: Insufficient expertise may lead to oversight of nuanced vulnerabilities, compromising overall security.
  • Flawed Third-party Integrations: Inadequate testing of integrated components can expose security flaws originating from external sources.
  • Neglected Legacy Systems: Neglecting legacy systems during testing leaves potential vulnerabilities unaddressed, jeopardizing overall security.
  • Ineffective Security Measures: Overreliance on a single security measure can lead to unaddressed vulnerabilities in other aspects.
  • Unanticipated Attack Vectors: New, unanticipated attack vectors can exploit untested areas, making security testing fall short.

Explore the Upsides of

Security Testing

Risk Mitigation:

  • Identify vulnerabilities before attackers exploit them.
  • Reduce the potential for data breaches and cyberattacks.
  • Enhance overall system resilience against security threats.

Regulatory Compliance:

  • Uncover security gaps to meet industry standards.
  • Ensure compliance with regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, etc.
  • Avoid penalties and legal consequences due to security non-compliance.

Customer Trust:

  • Demonstrate commitment to safeguarding customer data.
  • Enhance customer confidence in your products and services.
  • Establish a reputation for prioritizing user privacy and security.

Brand Reputation:

  •  Safeguard against breaches that could damage your brand.
  •  Prevent negative publicity and loss of customer trust.
  •  Uphold a strong brand image synonymous with security and reliability.

Cost Savings:

  •   Address security issues early to minimize potential damages.
  •   Save costs associated with breach recovery and damage control.
  •   Prevent financial losses from legal actions and customer compensation.

Frugal Testing Service Offerings

In today's digital era, where online transactions are flourishing, the stakes for maintaining robust cybersecurity have never been higher. A single security breach can result in the loss of customer trust, revenue, and even reputation. To stay ahead in the competitive landscape, organizations must prioritize the integrity of their data and protect it from unauthorized access. Frugal Testing, with its dedicated Quality Assurance (QA) services, offers a reliable solution to identify potential vulnerabilities, detect security risks, and fortify your web and mobile applications against cyber threats.

How we help you build software that lasts

Holistic Security Assessment:

  • Thoroughly examine all potential security vulnerabilities.
  • Identify and address weak points that attackers might exploit.
  • Ensure comprehensive protection across your software.

Risk Mitigation Strategies:

  • Devise strategies to counteract identified risks effectively.
  • Implement preventive measures to minimize attack surfaces.
  • Strengthen your software's resilience against potential threats.

Regulatory Compliance Assurance:

  •  Verify compliance with industry-specific security regulations.
  •  Ensure adherence to data protection laws and standards.
  •  Shield your software from legal repercussions and penalties.

Incident Response Preparedness:

  • Develop a well-defined plan to handle security incidents.
  • Minimize damage by responding promptly to breaches.
  • Maintain users' trust by demonstrating preparedness.

User Confidence and Brand Reputation:

  •  Enhance user trust by showcasing robust security measures.
  •  Protect your brand's reputation by preventing breaches.
  •  Foster a safe environment that attracts and retains user.

What all we test

Empowering your software to perform at its best

  • Vulnerability scanning
  • Penetration testing
  • Origin Analysis Testing
  • Load Testing
  • Web application security testing
  • Social engineering testing
  • Wireless security testing
  • Web Applications
  • Mobile Applications
  • Desktop Applications
  • Networks
  • Operating Systems
  • Manual Testing
  • Selective Regression Testing
  • Full Regression Testing
  • Smoke Testing
  • Automation testing
  • Integrity Testing

We've shown you what we can test, let’s talk about how we can test it for you.

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Security Testing


  • Planning & Reconnaissance: In this phase, testers and stakeholders thoroughly analyze the software requirements to understand the scope and objectives of testing. They review the project documentation, gather testable requirements, and identify potential test scenarios.
  • Scanning: Test planning involves creating a detailed test plan that outlines the testing approach, objectives, scope, resources, and schedule. The test plan serves as a roadmap for the entire testing process, guiding the testers throughout the project.
  • Test Design: Test design is the phase where test cases and test scripts are created based on the test requirements and specifications. Testers design comprehensive test cases that define the steps to be executed, expected results, and any prerequisites.
  • Gaining Access: In this phase, the actual testing takes place. Testers execute the test cases, perform manual and automated tests, and record the outcomes. They identify and report defects or issues encountered during testing.
  • Maintaining Access: When defects are discovered during test execution, they are reported to the development team using a defect tracking system. The defects are then managed through their lifecycle, from identification to resolution and verification.
  • Analysis & Report: After testing is completed, the testing team prepares a test closure report. This report summarizes the testing activities, outcomes, and any significant findings. It also includes recommendations for improvements in future testing projects.

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